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How To Repair Damaged Roof Shingles


Homeowners may be pleasantly surprised to find that shingles repair in Dunwoody can be a do-it-yourself project. Whether you decide to do it on your own or hire a professional to do the work, be it emergency roof repair or just proactive maintenance, it’s helpful to understand what exactly is involved in this type of roofing repair. Roof maintenance can also involve peripheral type projects that involve shingle replacement, such as fixing chimney caps or installing custom skylights.

Here are some of the most common ways to repair or replace damaged shingles, which can occur when broken tree limbs or high winds damage one or more shingles. When that happens, you can choose to replace the entire piece or simply cut the shingle into sections and just replace a single tab. However, be sure to select a day when the weather is somewhat moderate to do the repair work. Shingles can crack in weather that’s too cold, and shingle sealants will be tough to break loose if it’s too hot.


The first thing that you’ll need to do is remove all or a part of the shingle. This is most easily done by inserting a putty knife underneath it to break the seal holding it down, after which you should use a flat bar to remove the damaged shingle and nails. Exert care not to damage the shingles above or next to the damaged one. It’s important that you don’t apply too much pressure since shingles can easily rip if you do. Pry underneath the shingle rather than dig the nail head out from above, which will damage the good shingles. Push the shingle down from the head of the nail and proceed to pull out the nail. Once the nails are removed, lift the good shingle directly above it and remove the next set of nails and then pull out the damaged shingle. Finally, remove the entire shingle or simply cut off the damaged tab.


In order to replace a damaged shingle, you will need a pry bar, a hammer, and a common utility knife as well as some 4-inch roofing nails. Hopefully, you have leftover shingles from your last installation or roof repair, or if you’re lucky, the builder who did the previous work has them in stock. Failing all of that, you will need to check your local lumberyard or home center for a match or at least shingles that are very close in style and color to your existing ones. The new shingle should be slid into place and secured under the shingle directly above it with roofing nails. Once secured, you apply a tiny amount of roof cement in order to seal the shingle to the roof. Remember that the nails for the next shingle should pass through the top edge of the shingle below it.