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Storm Damage: How To File A Roof Replacement Insurance Claim


Storm damage can be devastating to you personally and to your home itself. Your roof, being the top layer of your house, will take the majority of the damage a storm inflicts. The combination of fierce winds, heavy rain, and the possibility of hail or foreign matter impacting your roof can lead to serious trouble. Once your roof is damaged, you need to file an insurance claim as soon as possible. Here are some tips for filing a claim to your home insurance company after a storm, as well as tips for finding reliable roofing services in Dunwoody to restore the damage.

  • Investigate the damage for yourself. Be careful not to approach areas where the roof appears to be in danger of collapsing. Take pictures and save documentation of local news reporting on the storm.
  • Locate a reputable roofing company in Dunwoody. Be aware that working with amateurs or an unofficial contractor can result in your insurance company denying the claim.
  • Contact several roofing companies for written restoration proposals. The roofers should inspect your entire home, not just your roof, to get a clear picture of the extent of the damage. Go with the best price but also the company with the best reputation.
  • Contact your insurance claims department. Be prepared: Insurance representatives are often trained to doubt your knowledge of the damage or try to hold you responsible. This is where documentation comes in handy.
  • Let your insurance company know that you have chosen a contractor. Provide documentation of the written proposal.
  • An insurance adjuster will then request to inspect your property. Have your contractor present to provide an impartial expert’s view of the scene of the damage. This will prevent unnecessary claims delays or denials.
  • Do not fret if your claim is denied. You are entitled to meet with adjusters and to appeal the denial. Roofers can provide further advice and documentation, too.
  • Once your claim is approved and paid, you will receive two payments. The first is called the materials deposit. It covers the cost of the materials needed to repair your roof. Your contractor should take care to order materials under your name and use this insurance check to pay for them.
  • Once your contractor receives a shipment of materials, they will begin working on your roof. They are not due an additional payment until all work is done. This is where your second insurance check comes in. Your roof will be subject to an inspection to ensure it is stable and up-to-code.

Be sure to hire experienced roofing services in Dunwoody to repair your damage. They can help you recover and file your claim so that you can get your life back on track.
