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How To Protect Your Roof From Sun Damage


You might think your roof is in the clear once the harsher winter months are over, but that’s not entirely the case. The rays of sunlight cast on your roof day after day can actually do more damage than you may think. However, if you think ahead stay informed, there are several ways you can easily combat roof damage from sun exposure.

If you want to know how to protect your roof from the sun, one way to do this is by consulting a local resource for roof installation in Dunwoody for more information. Meanwhile, keep reading for an outline of the measures you can take to increase the longevity of your roof.

Taking a few simple steps might just prevent you from having to research roof repair cost or emergency roof repair. Act now and save yourself the trouble in the end. Here are a few ways you can keep your roof safe as it starts to heat up outside.

Apply Roof Coating

Reflective roof coating can direct some of the heat away from where it would normally be absorbed on your rooftop. The absorption of harmful UV rays is precisely what leads to sun damage, and while coating will not give your roof total immunity, it will help.

When you’re shopping for roof coating, look for a coat that’s highly reflective and emissive, as these qualities help redirect sunlight. When sunlight is redirected, your roof will stay cooler that it would if left exposed.

What’s the best part of coating your roof? The coat lasts for 10-15 years, which mean that you won’t have to worry about re-coating it often. If coating your roof isn’t something you feel comfortable doing on your own, contact your local roof installation company to ask about services they offer.

Schedule Inspections

Regardless of weather conditions, this is a smart choice for the safety of you and your family. This can also potentially save you money by identifying potential problems before they become expensive issues that require immediate attention.

You may find out that your roof already has sun damage and would benefit from repair services. Symptoms of sun damage are evident in the shingles and can include fading, cracking, curling, or breakage. If this is a widespread problem on your roof, it will likely require attention in the future.

Keep a Contractor on Call

Speaking of shingle repair, there’s no better way to keep your roof in the best condition possible than having a reliable contractor you can call with your concerns. Always vet your contractor by checking references and reviews to choose someone you trust.

If you need assistance with any of the above measures, why not pick up the phone? Your local company for roof installation in Dunwoody is ready to help.

Happy spring!
