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Should I Get Solar Roof Shingles?


One of the most beneficial advancements of the 21st century is the rise of the solar industry. Over the past ten years, the number of residential solar panels in the U.S. have exceeded two million. It’s amazing how humans have discerned an excellent way of harnessing the renewable, green energy from the sun that never stops shining.

Using energy from fossil fuels is one of the major reasons why the earth is becoming alarmingly uninhabitable for humans. Emissions from fossil fuels are contributing to the unmanageable carbon footprint and global warming. Thankfully, adopting the technologies of the solar industry provides a suitable alternative to a lot of our electrical energy needs.

Right now, if you’re thinking about going the solar way, solar shingles (also known as solar roof tiles) might be the most awesome alternative you could opt for – especially if you need a new roof for your home. In the past, solar roofing options were usually ultra-thin and so fragile that they had to be installed on top of other roofing materials, almost like a finishing option. With modern solar shingles, they can either be attached to the top of an existing roof or they could be used as the roof themselves. They serve as complete roof shingles and offer all the benefits, protection, and durability of traditional roof covers.

Are You Thinking About Getting Solar Roof Shingles?

Of course, they are going to be quite expensive, but if you’re considering this option, it’s a great way to give your home a classy, futuristic appearance while also making provisions for constant power supply in the future. Depending on the size of the roof and the area to be covered by the shingles, you can either connect your home’s solar system to the power grid or to be cut off completely. People using grid-tied solar systems can send excess electricity to the city and receive credit payments. However, these systems are powered by the grid and would be inactive if there is ever a power outage.

Off-grid systems are completely disconnected and would often charge storage batteries that provide the home with electrical power. The solar shingles produce electricity in Direct Current and convert it to Alternating Current for the home inlets.

What are the Pros of Solar Shingles?

      • Unlimited Power Supply: This is the most beneficial part of having a fully functional overhead solar system in your home. With an off-grid system, you’d have no business connecting to the city’s power grids ever again. It’s a major undertaking but also a once-in-a-lifetime investment. You’d never have to worry about power bills again. Even if you decide to move out of your present home, you’d only have to pay for re-installation fees at the new place.
      • Low Carbon Footprint for Your Household: Carbon footprint is the level of greenhouse gasses released into the environment through specific human activities. Electricity is responsible for about 40% of all CO2 emissions in the world. Using a full solar shingle system greatly reduces the carbon footprint building up in your house and ensures a healthier and greener lifestyle for your family.
      • Solar Shingles Give Your Roof an Attractive Appearance: Who doesn’t love a beautifully impressive exterior décor? Solar shingles are cool, modern, and remarkably sophisticated. Your home takes on an ultra-modern appearance when all or most of your roofing is done with nicely reflective energy-generating panels.
      • Longevity: The average solar shingle installation could last three to four decades with minimal maintenance while still delivering maximum energy. Beyond its life span, a solar shingle system may continue delivering energy at a reduced capacity.

What are the cons of Solar Shingles?

    • Pricey:  The average price for the regular brands of solar shingles could be anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000. However, for the more sophisticated systems such as Tesla solar roofs, you might have to budget about $70,000 for a full roof coverage. As of 2018, Tesla was estimating the price of a square foot of solar shingles at around $22. The total price would be about 30% more expensive than traditional roof shingles. Also, installation costs would have to be factored in, depending on the area of the roof to be covered and the duration of the job.
    • It’s a New Technology: Not every solar panel expert or electrician has caught up to the trend yet. In many places, people are still getting used to the idea and trying to figure it out.

In conclusion, excluding the rather high costs, solar shingles are an incredible investment for every homeowner and would assure long-lasting electricity production and attractive roof covering for your home. Our verdict? You should totally go for it.