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Common Causes Of Winter Roof Damage


As temperatures drop and the winter wind begins to blow, one of your home’s most valuable assets – the roof over your head – can take a real hit. There are many ways roof damage can occur, with the weather being one of the biggest causes. Before you need to call a roofing company in Dunwoody, check out these 5 ways that winter weather can wreak havoc on your roof and what you can do about it.

Blowing in the Wind

The winter season has its fair share of strong wind storms that can cause roofing shingles or flashing to be loosened, broken off, or torn off. Make sure you prepare in advance for those winter winds by having roofing contractors inspect your roof. They can fix any existing or potential issues before they turn into something more serious. You may also want to trim back any trees overhanging your home and remove any dead branches that can potentially break off and damage your roof during a windstorm.

Trim Those Trees

Frozen or dead branches commonly fall off of trees during wintertime, which can result in significant damage to your roof. Branches that are too close to the roof can cause shingle damage, premature roof failure, and create potential opportunities for mold growth. Regular pruning of branches that are close to your home can help prevent costly roof repairs down the road.

Clogged Gutters

Clogged gutters are one of the most common causes of roof problems during the winter months. Gutters that are filled with leaves and dirt can prevent water from flowing away from the house as it should. This issue can cause water to stand on the roof, leading to water damage. Periodic inspection and cleaning of your gutters – especially in late autumn after all those leaves have fallen – can help prevent any unnecessary roof repairs.

Attic Condensation

Attic condensation occurs when warm air (inside your attic) meets a cold surface (the underside of your roof). Even minor amounts of moisture build-up can lead to both wood rot and mold, resulting in health problems for you and your family. The two most likely causes of condensation are improper ventilation and inadequate insulation. Perform spot checks in your attic one or two times per year. Keep an eye out for both existing moisture and evidence of previous water damage, such as mold, mildew, and discoloration. A properly vented roof and sufficient attic insulation are essential to keep you and your family safe and warm during those cooler winter months.

Leaky Flashings, Loose Shingles

Heavy rain, strong windstorms, and dropping temperatures all wreak havoc with your roofing shingles and flashings – small strips of metal that are found along the edges and ridges of your roof, the chimney, and skylights that form a waterproof barrier. Flashing can become loose or detached from the roof during the winter. One of the most common ways water leaks into your home is from your flashing, becoming damaged. Winter weather can also damage the shingles on your roof, resulting in cracked, curled, loose, or missing shingles. If left unattended, these minor issues will eventually result in serious roof damage.

Heavy rain, strong windstorms, and cooler temperatures often create roofing problems. Loose shingles, damaged flashing, and small cracks will all likely worsen during the winter months. Superior Roofing Company of Georgia is the one-stop-shop for all your roofing services in Dunwoody. Call us at (770) 279-2621 or visit us at for all your roofing needs.
