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Preparing Your House Roof For Spring Season


Are you ready to shake off the winter doldrums and enjoy the warmer spring weather? For most homeowners, the first signs of warm temperatures mean it’s time to sweep the patio, fill the grill’s propane tank, and order seeds for the garden. Don’t forget your roof! All winter, your roof shielded you and your home from cold, wet weather. Now it’s time to return the favor. Contractors from the leading roofing company in Sandy Springs want to help you prepare your roof for warmer weather. Read these tips to ensure your roof is ready for spring.

Schedule a Roof Inspection

Your roofing services contractor will advise you to have a professional roof inspection done twice a year. If that seems extreme, here’s the reason. The roof inspection done in the fall ensures your roof doesn’t have damage done from the hot Georgia sun. Heavy rainstorms are frequent during Georgia summers and can also cause damage. During the second inspection done in the spring, your roof inspector will look for any damage caused by colder weather. Even though Georgia doesn’t get a lot of snow, even a small amount can create issues on your roof. Routine inspections will detect worn shingles, faulty gutters, and problems with flashing. Your inspector will also look for evidence of leaks. Inspections are one of the best things you can do to keep your roof in good health.

Time for a Spring Cleaning

Much of the general spring cleaning you’ll do around your yard also benefits your roof. Specifically, trimming back overgrown tree branches protects your roof from damaged shingles and gutters. Maintaining bushes keeps a clear path for water draining off of the roof from pooling near the foundation of your home. During your spring-cleaning marathon, get up on a ladder and inspect your roof for signs of mold or algae. If you notice any, call your roofing professional rather than attempting to remove it yourself. Spring showers bring all kinds of debris falling on your roof, including tree buds, seeds, pods, and petals if you have flowering trees. You’ll want to keep the roof clear of tree and yard debris too.

Inspect and Clean Your Gutter System

You may not appreciate the relationship between the roof and your gutter system. Without properly functioning gutters and downspouts, water accumulates on the roof. Poor drainage is one cause of the mold and algae we just mentioned. Water from clogged gutters often overflows and gets under the shingles. From there, it soaks into the roof’s edges and the roof deck. When you inspect your gutters be prepared to remove pine needles, sticks, leaves, and sometimes, nests created by birds and wildlife.

Take Care of Repairs

Anytime you notice loose, broken, or missing shingles, it’s time to arrange for repairs. If you notice even the tiniest leak, it’s best not to wait until you have a steady drip coming through the attic or your ceiling. Small issues don’t take long to evolve into big problems. With spring storms already rolling in, another thing to watch out for is hail damage. If you have any kind of storm damage on your roof, waiting to repair it could put the entire roof at risk. Whether you need repairs or roof replacement in Sandy Springs, the roofing team at Superior Roofing Company of Georgia is here to help. Contact us today and schedule a free roofing estimate.
