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Why Moss Grows On Your Roof And How To Deal With It


Moss growth on the roofs can create several problems. Moss grows its roots into the shingles, destroys them, and creates leakages. During the rain, they soak up water and create wet conditions on the roofs. If we do not treat such conditions on time, moss will find its way under shingles and lift them. The uplifting of roof shingles will then allow water penetration into the lower layers and cause severe damage to the roof. Moss growth has the potential to severely damage the structural integrity of the roof.

In this article, we will discuss why moss grows on the roof, and how to get moss off the roof.

Why does moss grow on roofs?

Moss growth on the roofs indicates moisture because it grows in a cool and damp environment. If the roof is under the shade of trees and allows water penetration, there are chances of moss growth. The reason why shade can be bad is that moss absorbs water through leaves instead of roots. The areas that do not get direct sunlight are ideal places for moss growth.

Is moss bad for the roof?

Moss growth on the roof surfaces holds water and as a result, reduces the life of roofs by keeping them damp and wet at all times. Moss is especially harmful to roofs made of asphalt or wood shingles.

How to remove moss from the roof?

Learn how to remove moss from roof with these easy steps.

1- Use a low-pressure spray nozzle

Spray all the sections of the roof covered with moss. Spray the roof in a downward direction to ensure the safety of shingles. Set a low-pressure to avoid damage.

2- Scrub shingles

Use a scrub brush to pluck the moss before applying and then apply a cleaner. The soft-bristle brush scrapes the moss from the shingles and tiles. Make sure to move the brush in a downward direction as it protects the shingles from damage.

3- Apply moss remover

If there is moss in large quantities and scrubbing is not enough, then apply a cleaning solution. Create a mixture of chlorine, bleach, and water, then spray it on the moss. Apply the cleaner on a cloudy day to avoid evaporation, and wear gloves to protect the skin from harsh chemicals.

4- Rinse off the roof

Rinse the mixture off after 30 minutes. All the moss would not come off immediately, it will instead dry up with wind and blow off within a few days. If this does not happen on its own in a few days, then use a leaf blower or scrub brush to get rid of the remains.

5- Power-wash the roof

This is an optional step. Use a power washer to clean the roof. Ensure that any roof shingles and tiles are not broken or damaged in the process.

This step is often not recommended because high pressure can damage the roof by lifting the shingles.

How to prevent moss from growing?

We should follow these steps to prevent moss growth:

? Moss grows in shady areas, so remove the sources of shade from the roofs. Sunlight exposure on the roof helps prevent moss growth.

? Keep gutters free from debris and remove leaves and branches that pile up on the roof, these act as moisture collectors and encourage the growth of moss.

? We can add anti-moss strips made of copper and zinc. Nail these strips on the roof to eliminate moss growth.

Looking for roofing services in Georgia? Superior Roofing has some of the best professionals around. Check out our website or call 770-279-2621.