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When To Replace A Roof


Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against water, pests, and adverse weather conditions. While most roofing materials can last several decades, they still get worn and will eventually need replacing.

Replacing a roof is a costly and time-consuming process, which is why many residents try to avoid it as much as possible. However, living with a damaged roof can cause significant structural issues with the rest of the house, leading to even more expensive repairs in the future.

Rather than waiting for a massive leak, be proactive and look for signs of a damaged roof. The sooner you replace roofs, the better for your home and your peace of mind. We’ve included some of the most common signs that your roof is at the end of its lifespan to help you make an informed decision.

Imperfect Shingles

Your shingles should lie completely flat against the roof. If you notice curling, buckling, or cracked shingles, it’s time to get a professional to assess the problem. A broken shingle will let in water and start damaging the roof.

While you can often repair a cracked shingle yourself, curling shingles indicate significantly more severe problems, such as:

? Poor ventilation in the attic

? Moisture collecting under the shingles

? Improper installation

You may also notice that your shingles have lost some of their granules. Shingles will naturally lose their granules over their lifetime, but severe granule loss is a sign you need a new roof.

Sagging Roof

A sagging roof is a clear sign of when to replace roofs. Once water gets into the timbers, they get weaker and will eventually collapse completely. You may get away with replacing a few rotten boards, but we strongly recommend a complete roof replacement instead.

Moss or Algae Growth

While moss on a roof is typical in some areas of the northern US, it’s not normal in Georgia. Moss is a sign of moisture on your roof, which means your roof isn’t getting rid of water as fast as it should.

Many mosses and algae can eat away at your roofing material, leading to more leaks and more problems in the future. You can use a stiff brush and anti-moss cleaner to clean your roof, but also evaluate other areas for signs of roof damage.

Mold or Stains in the Attic

You’ll often find the first signs of roof damage in your attic. While it may be tricky to find a missing shingle, you can easily find a beam of light coming through the roof into the attic. Also, keep an eye out for mold growth or streaks down the ceiling and walls that could indicate a potential leak.

Most roof problems can lead to water damage, which can affect your entire home. Instead of continually trying to repair minor leaks, consider these tips on when to replace roofs and think about replacing your entire roof and enjoy the peace of mind a new roof offers.

If you want an unbiased opinion and advice on your current roof, give Superior Roofing Company of Georgia a call at (770) 279-2621 today!