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Most Common Causes Of Roof Leaks


Roof leaks can fly under the radar until it’s too late. When water starts dripping from the ceiling, you know you’re got a major task ahead of you. Aside from having to grab some buckets to keep your home from flooding, you’re going to have to take some major action to repair your roof. As such, it’s best to catch these problems before they start. If you can identify common problems with your roofing and take care of it before leaks start, you’re going to save yourself a world of trouble and inconvenience. Below are several common causes for a leaky roof.

Broken Shingles

Perhaps the most common cause for a leaky roof is shingles that are damaged. Fortunately, this is one of the easiest problems to detect before it gets too out of hand. Usually, you can spot broken shingles upon a first glance of your roof. If you see a patch of the roof that is differently colored, that indicates that a shingle is missing. If the pattern of the shingles looks off, that means that a shingle is either missing or has come loose from its original position. Depending on the size and layout of your house, you might be able to see the shingles from the ground level. However, you might need to get out a ladder and crawl up onto the roof to inspect.

Valleys Which Aren’t Sealed Correctly

Another one of the most common causes of roof leaks is an incorrectly-sealed roof valley. Valleys are the area of the roof where two planes meet, usually on a slope, and usually forming a corner. They require a special sealant to keep water from entering the house. However, over time, this sealant begins to come apart. Also, in areas with heavy or regular rainfall (such as the Pacific Northwest), water can eventually erode this sealant. You will notice these issues when water comes in through the ceiling in a line pattern instead of one solid stream. In order to prevent these issues, regularly check on the state of your roof by climbing up on it.

Gutter Issues

When gutters aren’t functioning properly, it can cause leaks in your roof. For example, in colder climates ice tends to build up in gutters. When this ice accumulates, it takes longer to melt than the typical thin layer of ice that might coat your roof. As a result, the thin layer melts but cannot drain into the gutters, so it just sits on the roof, eventually working its way through the cracks in shingles and down through the ceiling. The same problem occurs if the gutter system is flooding and can’t remove water fast enough.

A leaky roof can be quite an inconvenience, and preventative maintenance is the key. To make sure your roof stays in shape, contact roofing companies in Dunwoody today.
