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How To Save Money On A Roof Replacement


 Homeowners in need of a new roof will find that roof replacement cost in Dunwoody can vary depending on a number of factors. If you follow a few time-honored tips when it comes to saving money on materials and roofing services, not to mention selecting the right roofing company in Dunwoody to do the work, you will be pleasantly surprised when it comes time to write that check. Here are just a few things to consider as you begin plans to replace your roof.

Timing is Everything

There are two aspects as to timing your roof replacement and both are probably the most important decisions you’ll make if you want to save money on that new roof. The first aspect, if there’s still time, is to replace that old roof early—typically a year or two before the roof outlives its useful life. As expensive as it is to replace a roof, waiting to get an extra year or two out of an old roof can translate to costly mistake by increasing the cost in the end. Waiting until the last minute, after there are signs of damage or significant repairs that need to be done, can turn a routine roofing job into an expensive replacement—especially if there’s unknown damage under the surface.

The second timing aspect, if you can wait, is to replace your old roof during the off-season or during an economic downturn or combination of both. Tackling your roofing project at the end of winter or the beginning of very early spring, while the weather is still somewhat dry can give you some bargaining leverage to negotiate the project’s price. Also, another good time is late fall when both the changing season and the upcoming holidays—a time when many aren’t focused on home improvements—translate to a slow down for most roofing contractors. During these times, roofers will often offer discounts just so they can keep their employees working.

Sales and Discounts

Keep an eye out for sales by researching the type of roofing materials that will be used on your new roof. This may simply be replacing what is already there or it may mean looking at a new, less expensive material that will work just as well. Once you do, then it’s time to shop both manufacturer and store sales for that roofing material. If you have time before replacing your roof, be proactive and sign up for announcements from manufacturer websites and keep an eye out in newspapers and mail (email and postal mail) for advertising specials.

Ask for a discount from the contractor on the more expensive services, though be careful to consider the company’s reputation and experience. If the contractor is trustworthy, they will often advertise discounts, particularly during their slow time period. Just remember that any deal should never be too good to be true. Finally, don’t be “penny-wise and dollar foolish.” You might get a deal on cheaper materials but in the long run, they may not last as long. That means that your roof will have to be replaced sooner, and you will have to pay again for the labor as well as materials.


If you’re particularly handy around the house, then consider doing some of the roofing work yourself. Installing gutters or trim work can save you considerable money and if you’re able to, you can also save by removing the old roofing and disposing of it yourself. The installation of the roof itself requires skill, but most people can handle demolition. In fact, if you have a shingle roof, you can save a fair amount of money in labor cost and in hauling off the old material. Another saving can come from allowing the contractor to store their materials on site as well as to handle the cleanup. Ask the contractor up front for any suggestions, since in the end, anything you can do without getting in the contractor’s way is going to save you money.
