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Important Considerations While Planning For A New Roof


If you’ve never replaced the roof on your home there are a few things to consider before starting the project. Read on for tips to ensure you’re ready both financially and emotionally for this major home project.

Funding Your Roofing Project

The average homeowner doesn’t have several thousand dollars set aside for home repairs. A roof replacement is a costly expense. It’s not always possible to plan for it either, so what’s a homeowner to do? Depending on the circumstances, homeowner’s insurance may cover a portion of the repair. If your roof is damaged from hail or wind, check with your insurance agent and determine if you can submit a claim. Of course, it’s always better to have an emergency home repair fund in place but if you don’t, you’ll need to figure out how to fund the repair and set a budget. Discuss roof cost in Alpharetta with your roofing company to ensure you stay as close to budget as possible.

Consider Upgrades

You may think replacing your roof won’t have the same impact as upgrading your landscaping or painting the exterior of your home. But if you choose the right color shingles and consider a few upgrades, your roofing project can enhance curb appeal and increase the resale value of your home. One upgrade to consider is the installation of low-maintenance gutters. Consider gutters with built-in curved gutter hoods, which help prevent water and debris back-ups. Many roofing companies also offer gutter services, so why not take care of both at the same time? Check with the professional you choose for roof installation in Alpharetta to see if they can also replace your gutters.

Prepare for Noise

It might seem silly to warn people about noise but if you’ve never had work done on your roof, you may not know how loud it can get. You’ll have a team of workers tearing off old roofing materials and using either nail guns or hand hammers on the new shingles. Between the hammering and the sound of heavy footsteps on your roof, the noise can be overwhelming. If you work at home or have small children who are used to napping during the day, be prepared. Roofing is a noisy business and you can’t expect the crew to tip-toe around while they work. Put your headphones on or plan to drop the kids off with a friend. Some jobs take more than a day, so be patient.

Get it in Writing

Before your contractor begins work make sure you have a written contract. Oral agreements are never a good idea when you’re dealing with home repairs. A contract lists everything included in the project. This includes the type and color of roofing material, any upgrades, like gutters or new attic vents. The contract protects you and your contractor, so don’t bypass it because you’re in a hurry to get the job done. The other thing you want in writing is your warranty. All roof work should come with a warranty. Be aware that the warranty for materials may be different than the warranty for labor.

Now that you’ve learned a few things to take care of before beginning a roofing project, it’s time to schedule the work. Call Superior Roofing Company of Georgia today and get ready for your new roof!
