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What To Expect When Asking For Roof Repair Estimates


Homeowners in Alpharetta are preparing for winter. If you’ve put off repairing a leaky or worn out roof, it’s a good idea to take care of repairs before cold weather arrives. If you’re new to home ownership or have never called a roofing contractor, here are a few tips to help you know what to expect when you ask for an estimate.

Can I Get A Phone Estimate?

A phone call is an excellent starting point but a reputable roofing company won’t expect you to hire them based on a phone estimate. What you can do over the phone is ask a few pre-screening questions. Start with the legal business name. Once you have that you can research to make sure they’re legitimate. Your research should also include reading online reviews. Ask about their insurance coverage. It’s important to know whether they have insurance at a level that will cover any accidents or damage that occurs while they’re on your property. These are simple questions designed to help you determine credibility. Be wary of any roofing contractor that gives a phone estimate and doesn’t follow-up with a request to come to your home for a full estimate.

A Roof Inspection

It might seem obvious to expect a roofing contractor to get up on the roof and inspect it before providing an estimate. There are a few unscrupulous contractors who don’t take time to climb a ladder and walk the roof. Stay away from them. Call one of the reputable roofing contractors in Alpharetta and schedule a time for a complete inspection. Even if you’ve already been up on the roof and think you know what problems exist, let a professional make an assessment. That leak in your attic might be caused by something more serious than missing or broken shingles. Also, make sure you’re home for the appointment, so you can ask questions and discuss any problems you’ve been having with the roof.

Written Estimate

Are your roof repairs covered by your homeowner’s insurance? Most insurance companies request a written estimate. Some insurance companies do send their inspector to assess roof damage. They may even issue a check before repairs are made but if the actual cost exceeds the insurance company estimate, without something in writing from the roofing contractor you may have trouble collecting more money. If you’re paying for the repairs it’s even more important to know beforehand how much you’ll be spending. A reputable contractor will be happy to provide a written roofing estimate in Alpharetta. Written estimates protect both the homeowner and the contractor. Just remember that it’s an estimate and there may be unforeseen extra repairs or materials needed to complete the job.

How Long Does an Estimate Take?

The entire process depends on several factors. Assuming you research more than one contractor, it may take a few days for you to narrow down your choices. Even if you select the first company you contact, it may take a few days for them to schedule an appointment for the initial assessment. Many savvy contractors use software that allows them to plug measurements in and calculate an estimate on-the-spot. Some even have mobile printers and can give you the written estimate the same day. Others may need a day or so to take the information back to their office and work-up your estimate. Most contractors can finish an estimate within 48-72 hours.

Winter weather is just around the corner! If your roof is ready for repairs, call Superior Roofing Company of Georgia today. Don’t wait for that first cold snap!
