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How To Handle Emergency Roof Repair


No homeowner expects that they will ever need emergency roof repair — that is, until there is suddenly a tree branch sitting in their attic and water leaking everywhere. Dire situations like these can occur at any moment; it’s crucial to have a plan of action if the worst ever occurs. What would you do if you needed emergency roof repair? Who would you call? To learn the answers to these questions and more, keep reading below.

What Constitutes a Roofing Emergency?

Most roofing emergencies are caused by extreme weather, fire, or animals. Winds that reach higher than 50 miles per hour can easily tear shingles off of roofs and expose the underlying structure of the roof. Wind can also cause branches to be torn from trees and land on your roof, destroying the structure. Even lightning can strike your home and blow a hole right through the roof. Fire, as you likely know, will destroy anything in its path, including your roof. And lastly, animals like squirrels and raccoons have been known to chew through rotted wood, resulting in large holes in the roofing.

Why Must You Handle Roofing Emergencies Immediately?

There are, of course, the obvious reasons why you should repair your damaged roof as soon as possible. Fixing your roof quickly will keep pests out, protect your house, look better, and ensure your home is safe and habitable once again. However, perhaps the most important reason to fix your roof is to prevent water infiltration. As soon as your roof becomes compromised, water can enter the premises, leading to even more damage to the roof and the rest of your house. A protective cover or speedy emergency roof repair is essential to avoid further interior and structural damage. Often an emergency tarp will be placed over the hole until the weather clears and a professional can assess the full extent of the damage.

What Happens after You Call In Roofers for Emergency Repairs?

After getting your call, emergency roofers will get to work as soon as it is safe to do so. If you call during a storm, they will wait until after the storm stops before visiting your property. If the roof was damaged by fire, the roofing company will wait until it’s safe to enter your home. Then, they will do everything they can to bring your home back to a watertight condition until they can completely remedy the issue.

What Should You Do After Roofing Damage?

The first thing to remember is not to panic. The damage is already done; there is nothing you can do to stop it now. If your home is unsafe to be in, evacuate as soon as possible. Once safe, contact your insurance provider and a professional roofing company for assistance. Though it is an emergency, you should still take some time to find the best roofing company in your area. Get references and read reviews online before settling on a roofer. Only then can you rest assured knowing that your roof will be repaired correctly and your home will be safe once more.

For more information about roofing emergencies or to schedule an appointment, contact us at Superior Roofing Company of Georgia. We are experienced in emergency roof repair in Alpharetta.
