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Spring: The Best Time To Replace Your Roof


No matter what season it is, getting your roof replaced can be stressful. You can make the process less hectic by getting your project completed at the right time of year: spring. Keep reading to learn why spring is the perfect time to replace your roof with a new one.

Ideal Weather

The temperate weather that spring brings is perfect for completing large home renovation projects. Summer brings higher levels of humidity, which can lead to moisture damage to the roof during the replacement process. Harsh winter weather makes it difficult for workers to be outdoors or even reach the roof when it is covered in snow and ice, causing major project delays. During the spring, the days get warmer and the most you’ll need to worry about is a little rain, which can easily be planned around. Shingles seal better to a roof with the help of the sun, making spring the optimal time for all roof work.

Greater Availability

When compared to the summer and autumn, spring is a slow season for many roofing companies. Loads of homeowners rush to complete their necessary roofing projects in the late fall, right before winter hits. Summer is another busy season since many people prefer to get work done when the weather is nice. During the late summer through the fall, you may end up waiting up to a month before the contractor will look at your roof. Spring is slower for business, so your roofing company in Dunwoodywill have more availability, making scheduling renovations even simpler. Plus, since they have fewer customers to deal with, the contractors will be able to focus more of their attention on you and your home.

More Affordable

Another benefit of getting your roof replaced during the slow season is the financial savings you will see. Because spring is a slower season, you have more local contractors to choose from. The competition will be tighter, and they may offer more competitive prices just to get your business. This means more savings for you, which is always helpful when you have such a huge home project. Plus, roofing suppliers usually wait until the busy summer season to increase their prices. By scheduling a spring project, you can get some of the lowest prices of the year on your roofing supplies.

Don’t Wait until an Emergency

Investing in a new roof is expensive, which is why some homeowners don’t want to spend on a new roof until it is necessary. Sometimes they’ll wait until an emergency arises to schedule their long-overdue roof replacement. By putting off the remodels, you’re only opening yourself up to more issues, and the ones you have will get worse. By planning, however, you can save money and tackle your problems head-on before they deteriorate any further. So, schedule an appointment with an expert to inspect your roof at the first sign of damage and plan to have your roof replaced in the spring. If you need to replace your roof, contact us at Superior Roofing Company of Georgia to schedule a consultation today.
