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Main Traits To Look For In A Roofing Company


When it comes to your roof, you never want to cut corners, particularly when it comes to roofing materials and installation of a new roof surface. Your roof is easily the most critical single structure in your home, as without it, everything else would be exposed to the elements. That’s why it’s important that you refuse to settle on a roofing company that doesn’t have a record of high-quality work and treat your home as though it was their own. It pays to perform your due diligence to find the best possible roofing contractors for your job.

But how do you find the best roofing service among all the roofing companies in Dunwoody? Fortunately, there are some common traits that are shared by the best roofing companies in the business. If you know what those traits are, you can seek them when interviewing prospective roof contractors to help separate the best roofers from the rest. Keep reading to learn more about the main traits you should look for when hiring a high-quality roofing company.


Licensing isn’t just a bonus when searching for a roofer. It’s a requirement if you want the best quality work, attention to detail, and professional business practices. In most states, roofers are required to be licensed in order to advertise themselves as a roofing company. Though qualifications for licensure differ from state to state, many states require that roofers pass an exam that covers subject matter such as business law, local code, and professional knowledge. Licensure can ensure customer confidence in the company’s abilities while also providing credibility that the roofer adheres to professional business ethics.

Bonded and Insured

It’s also important to make sure that the roofing company you’re considering is bonded and insured. Bonding protects you from any project-related mishaps that may result in additional expenses necessary to complete the project. It also ensures that the job will be completed in the fashion stipulated in the estimate or quote. For example, bonding protects the consumer from shoddy workmanship or work that was not performed to specifications. Insurance extends the protection enjoyed by the homeowner when it comes to roofing work. Insurance insulates the homeowner from liability in the event that an employee of the roofing company is injured on the homeowner’s property. It will also provide protection against damage to your property.

References, Referrals, and Reviews

Only consider roofing companies that are willing to provide you with references from previous customers who can speak about their performance on past projects. References are an excellent tool for gauging the quality of craftsmanship, attention to detail, punctuality, communication, and professional ethics. Referrals can help give you additional confidence in a company. After all, if a friend or professional acquaintance was pleased enough to recommend a roofing company, there’s a good chance that the company is worth hiring. Finally, read online reviews about the companies you’re considering. That will provide you with a broad spectrum of information from people who’ve done business with the company in the past.

Communication Skills

Communication is incredibly important for any service provider when it comes to converting the homeowner’s wishes into a satisfactory finished product. Your roofer should be an excellent communicator who knows how to describe specifications, obstacles, and solutions with you in a way that you can understand. Your roofer should also be an excellent listener who hears your questions and concerns and deals with them in a confident, professional manner.

If you’re planning to hire a roofer, make sure that you seek these qualities to ensure you get the best roofing company for the job. To learn more about the traits you should seek when hiring a roofing company, contact Superior Roofing Company of Georgia at (770) 279-2621.
