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Top 5 Signs Your Shingle Roof Needs Replacing Or Repairs


Your home’s shingles provide a majority of your roof’s protection against the elements. It’s important to get an inspection and fix problems before they impact your home and its safety. At Superior Roofing Company of Georgia, Inc., in Alpharetta, we know that having great shingles is a sign of a healthy roof. We also know that shingles in need of care might signal a problem. Check out your shingles to see if you should call out a professional to repair your roof.

Deformed Shingles

Shingles that are curling up at the edges provide a purchase for the wind. They can be ripped from your home and create greater problems as the water leaks into your roof’s structure. Older shingles can become brittle, especially in places where it gets hot. Brittle shingles are more likely to break.

Bald Shingles

Asphalt shingles have granules to protect them from exposure to the sun and heat. When these granules get washed away, the shingles will age more quickly and become fragile.

Missing Shingles

Shingles taken by the wind can represent a larger problem. Even if you know the shingles are missing because of impact or other issues, it is important to call someone in to take a look at the roof. The sooner you can get it repaired, the less likely you’ll need to replace the roof.

Wrinkly Shingles

Shingles that are bulging or buckling can be caused by different things, including poor installation and wet weather. Regardless of the reason, these shingles can be torn off by the wind or adversely affected by water, which can seep into the underlayers.

Damaged Flashing

The flashings on your roof are the parts that surround your roof’s features like skylights and chimneys. This flashing may expand and contract in heat or cold. It can separate and create space for water to get under the roof, especially if the caulking dries. If you notice that there is space between the flashing and what it’s supposed to be surrounding, you could have a roofing problem that requires professional advice.

Roof replacement in Alpharetta can be expensive. If you notice any problems or have reason to believe that your roof has been damaged, calling in a professional to inspect it is your best bet. Your home is important, and your roof is an integral part of keeping your home structurally safe. The sooner you get your roof fixed, the better off you will be, both in the short term and in the long term.
