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5 Signs You Should Replace Your Shingle Roofing


Your roof is the protective covering over almost all your physical property. As such, it’s one of the most important components of your home, and it’s one that is generally durable and maintenance-free. However, the lifespan of even the highest-quality shingles is limited. That means that at some point in the life of your home, it will probably need a shingle replacement or roofing job to protect it as the shingles naturally deteriorate from exposure to the elements.

While many homeowners put off shingle repair in Alpharetta because of the significant expense and the extensive work it requires, it’s always better to take a proactive approach. Instead of waiting for it to fail and cause leaks that can damage the structural integrity of your home, there are some signs you can look for that will alert you that it’s time to replace your roofing shingles. You can take heed of these signs when they are presented, replace your shingles, and head off potential damage to your home. Ignoring these signs, however, may result in costly consequences. Keep reading to learn a few of the common signs that the time has come to replace your roofing shingles.

Evidence in the Attic

If your shingles are beginning to fail at their primary purpose of keeping moisture and water out of your home, you’ll begin to see evidence in the attic. Enter your attic on a sunny day and take a closer look. Inspect the underside of your roof decking. If you see stains or discoloration, it may be because you have a leak somewhere. You may also be able to see light through holes in the decking that are caused by rot that occurs when damaged shingles let water in. If you see these signs, contact a roofing service for a professional inspection.

Curling Shingles

The term curling refers to when shingles that are exposed to years of extreme heat begin to curl at their corners, which lifts the shingle along its edges. That makes your roof susceptible to wind damage. Shingles that are curling are old and worn, and that means they are brittle. Wind can lift entire shingles or break away portions, leaving the roof decking underneath exposed to the elements. If you see curling, it’s time to begin looking for a roofing contractor.

Bare Shingles

Asphalt shingles have coarse granules on their exterior surfaces that help preserve and protect them despite the rigors of high heat and UV light. When those protective granules are removed, the shingles are prone to rapid aging that can lead to breaking, splitting, and curling. Granules can be removed by heavy rains, foot traffic during repairs or maintenance, and general wear and tear. If your shingles have bare spots, that means they don’t have much functional life remaining. It’s time to replace them.

Wavy Shingles

If the surface of your roof appears wavy or rippled, it’s probably because there is already some moisture present in the underlayment beneath your shingles. However, the rippling itself creates an avenue for further damage. Water can enter beneath the raised shingles, and high winds can peel back raised shingles in a ripple. If you see a wavy or rippled spot in your shingles, damage is already being done to your roof so you should act immediately to replace your shingles.

Flashing Failure

Flashings are pieces of metal or other materials that are used around vents, eaves, and chimneys to keep water out. However, like your shingles, they can fail at times due to exposure to the elements. Because flashings are a critical component in your roofing system, when they fail it can be an indication that the health of your roof is on the decline. While in some cases flashings can be replaced without replacing the entire roof, if you see flashing damage, there’s a good chance that your roof needs new shingles anyway.

While replacing your roof represents a sizable investment in the value of your home, it’s a necessary repair that is a part of homeownership. If you see any of these signs, contact Superior Roofing Company of Georgia for roofing services in Alpharetta today.
